How To Fish Jerkbaits For Bass
Learning how to fish jerkbaits will help you catch lots of nice Bass. Jerkbaits are a longtime favorite for many of the Pro Bass Fishermen. We found a very good selection of videos from Pros like Kevin VanDam and others to help you learn the right way and the right time to go Bass fishing with jerkbaits. You may want to bookmark this page because we found a lot of great videos for you to watch and will be adding a few more as we find them.

Kevin Vandam Jerkbait Basics for Bass

KVD Demonstrates His Jerkbait Retrieve

Fishing Suspending Jerkbaits in Cold Water with Mike Iaconelli

Power Fishing Jerkbaits in Cold Water

Catch More Jerkbait Bass With This Trick

Selecting the Right Jerkbait for the Situation

Best jerkbait colors with FLW Pro Luke Clausen

When to Fish Silent Jerkbaits

Megabass Ito Vision 110 With Aaron Martens

Megabass Vision 110 VS Ima Flit 100--Worth the money??

Ranking the Best Jerkbaits for Bass

4 Jerkbaits You've Got To Try This Fall